
What stories are present?
- Theresa May is fining greedy bosses who betray their workers
- 'Me Too' campaign to show their equality and liberality
- Trump story to show how they celebrate different countries. Negative destroy shows how they are worse off than we are

What issues are present?
- Feminism and sexism. They included these on the main cover because they believe everyone should be equal and have the right to express themselves

Who is present/absent?
- elderly
- children
- white men
- asians
- arabs
- women. Present on the main image as a counter type to show she is important, emphasised by the low angle shot
- black male
- middle aged women to appeal to their audience, reflecting the magazine in the newspaper which has cooking for women

How have they been represented?
- The woman in the top right is holding a cake which is a stereotype that women belong in the kitchen and should cook every day
- A powerful image of the woman in the main image shows them being powerful which is a countertype of the stereotype that women are inferior. The low angle shot emphasises her power and superiority making her a strong role model for women

How has language and the images been used? What meaning is created?
- The US story uses negative language whereas the rest of the stories use positive language. 

How does this link to contexts of the time?
- There are current issues present such as feminism and sexism. This reflects the contexts of the time as feminism and sexism is a growing problem that is getting increased attention. They report about Donald Trump in a negative way which reflects most of the stories he is associated with.


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